Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
The first thing your told to chase is your dreams

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This new project really has me thinking lately about where I am going and how to get there. The typical question of whether or not I am even on the right path was on my mind. I am a very driven person and believe firmly it’s ok to question yourself and direction. All that said my primary focus is just to stay happy. I watched Carlos make a decision that was not only pure faith but also about something more. After the initial thoughts of taking my stapler to his forehead wore off for leaving me alone in cubicle hell, I was ecstatic for him. I love what I do for a living and yet was questioning something I loved.

I never aspired for any career when I was younger. In fact I remember very vividly a teacher in high school telling me that it was more likely that I would be “lower middle class” so I shouldn’t be thinking about some of the jobs I was looking at. You know jobs such as a forklift and truck driver were way beyond my scope. Others were taking tests to see how smart they were and I was told to apply at the local circle jerk with Spicoli calling for a pizza. I think back now and think it would have been worth it to say what I was thinking with some well placed hand gestures. I had another guidance counselor laugh at me when I attended college night. These ladies and gentlemen were my inspiration to get that public education that would prepare me for the real world. So forgive me for a minute when I pat myself on the back for working on a global computer network. Yet if I love what I am doing and I am proud then why wonder if it is the right direction?

My friends take different paths this week. I am signing papers for thirty years of debt. Carlos takes off for far lands with different cultures. I have another who must pick up and find a new place to call home. While yet another friend has found out that his home may be leaving him. One more friend and he too has made a decision to change careers.

So what is the point of my ranting you may ask? I don’t have one. I am just talking about what is going on.

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