Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
The first thing your told to chase is your dreams

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The house is almost unpacked

First let me tell you all of you one thing:
If you got a comment for Carlos or myself then please post it on the site.

I want your feedback and your thoughts but remember we want you to comment on and about us here. We welcome what you have to say even if you don't agree. I have had a couple ask me some questions about what Carlos is doing and I answered as best I could but really it should have been posted on the site. So I will attempt to answer some of them here. Remember I am answering and not Carlos

Q: What is point of what Carlos is trying to relay?
A: I don't know. I only know the point of what I am getting from him and that's another question.

Q: Why does it say "Op Ed from Art Photography" and I don't see Photographs?
A: Well you see in our infinite wisdom we launched the site at quite possibly the worst time for both of us. Carlos was taking off out of the country. I was in the middle of closing on my wives and mine first house. Neither of which allow for Carlos or myself to really collaborate on the site the way we intended. I have full intentions of dragging more Photography out of him and I will have an opinion on something.

Q: Cione, you don't argue to get your point across. You usually tear me a new one.
A: I tear people apart that tell me I am wrong because I formed a belief. You can tell me I am wrong because of my logic. Not my beliefs, those are sacred. If yours aren't then that's your problem. Not only that, the point of this site isn't for me to agree with you, it is for us to come to a consensus. More importantly it is for the story of a photograph to tell a story that leads to a consensus between Carlos and I. If you want to chime in the by all means then come in.

Q: Is this site always going to be about sad things and in general have a "Save a world mentality"?
A: I can only answer half of that. From my side of the site, no it isn't. I have no delusions that I can save the world or nor do I want to. I am inspired by people talking and the process that comes from that. I can just easy have a long conversation on how Dum-Dum suckers are the best or talk about how Socialism has bad reputation that is maybe over stated. If you have a topic that you want us to address then send a email to and we will look at it. The first person to ask me to defend anything from the Clinton family gets bad karma points just for asking.

Q: I have something I want to say but I am afraid it might get someone mad. Should I say it?
A: The rules here are not written in stone and they won't be if I have anything to say about it (I do). The rules may change but the intent will stay the same. Say it loud and say it proud. Be willing to take the heat. If you're wrong in the end then consider it learning. Learning is not bad. If your right and don't why then say that. Not speaking up is like not voting, you can complain all you want and you have a right to do so. I just have a right to say that you're a low grade whiner that can't take the time to mail an envelope in a single three week period.

Q: What are you guys trying to do?
A: There is no such thing as a stupid question but there are stupid people. Go back and read the whole thing. If you still don't get it then post online and we will help. The point is to post your thoughts and tell your friends.

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