Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
The first thing your told to chase is your dreams

Friday, May 16, 2008


Ok, I could not sleep. I tried but I kept waking up. I decided to take a walk and bust out my Leica, that camera was made for this type of place. I would up running into a guy named Jesus (no, he had not seen the Big Lebowski) and we got to talking about Peru,Politics, and what life is like as a street vendor. I wound up buying Jesus a beer after he recomended a local brew. Turns out he lives in a floating house out on the river, not this house but on this river. By the way, this is what I see when I leave my hotel and turn the corner.

Crappy digital P&S shot but I do not want to use my DSLR in the city just yet.

Why am I at a hotel? Well, I'll tell you as I sweat in this sweltering heat. My guide became confused in a string of emails I sent to him about my flight plan. When I arrived in Iqutos this morning I could not find my guide, not only that but my checked in bag did not arrive. Fantastic.

I took a taxi to town and found a hotel that I can only descibe as, cozy. By this logic a port-a-potty in mid July is cozy. But it has wi-fi and is close to a mini mart and food. I purchased a large bottle of water and had a clif bar for lunch. I am going to have dinner with my guide this evening and talk more about the plan for next week. He is also helping me track down this missing bag of mine.

So, overall an interesting start to an interesting journey. Here you go Cione:


The Wife said...

I am guessing this is a picture of the hotel I WOULD NOT want to stay in, according to you. It looks "cozy." And it is a good picture too!

Keep posting. The kid and I keep checking. We are looking forward to your call tonight!

: )

Madison Delgado said...

Hello, I wish you would go to a non-"cozy" hotel next time.

I hope your luggage comes back, whenever its soposed to come back. you have to wear the same clothes over and over again! EWWW!

miss you and cant wait for you to come home!

I also learned how to do a fish :+<